Induced Current and/or Voltage options. Through use of dedicated current
or voltage preamplifier units.
Internal bias source with range -100V to +100V. Allows biasing of a
sample to a resolution of up to 0.1mV.
Large back-off current range from -20mA to +20mA. Digitally displayed
with resolutions ranging from 1uA to 0.1pA
Wide bandwidth. 3kHz bandwidth at 0.1pA resolution and 320kHz at
100nA resolution.
Complete microprocessor control, with interface to PC via Labview drivers.
Intuitive interface with adjustable backlight control for use in reduced
ambient conditions.
Characterization and observation of junction areas
Failure analysis (FA) of semiconductor devices
Locating areas of ESD (Electrostatic Discharge) damage
Quality control and assurance (QA) of semiconductors
Detecting subsurface damage or defects
Can also be used for OBIC, EBIV, SOMSEM and CL (transmitted or
emitted) studies
Used mainly in the EBIC mode (electron beam induced current), the ISM-6A is employed in conjunction
with a scanning electron microscope to image electrically active defects in semiconductor materials
and devices. Long regarded as the industry leader, the ISM series offers quantitative as well as
qualitative facilities, the former enabling device parameters and materials data to be obtained. The
ISM-6A builds on the original ISM-5 unit which is found in many research labs worldwide.